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Article type: 
Original article 

Index UDK: 341

Year, Volume, Number:
2024, Vol. 12, № 4 (48)

Pages: 13-21

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Alexey Yu. Salomatin
Doctor of Law, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Theory of State and Law and Political Studies, Penza State University, 40 Krasnaya street, Penza, 440026, Russia,

Zhanna A. Miryaeva
Applicant, Penza State University, 40 Krasnaya street, Penza, 440026, Russia,


DOI: 10.21685/2307-9525-2024-12-4-2 


For citation:
Salomatin A.Yu., Miryaeva Zh.A. The formation of the practice of separation of powers in the American colonial society and the state (XVII – mid-XVIII centuries). Elektronnyy nauchnyy zhurnal "Nauka. Obshchestvo. Gosudarstvo" = Electronic scientific journal "Science. Society. State". 2024;12(4):13–21. (In Russ.). doi: 10.21685/2307-9525-2024-12-4-2



Received: 20.06.2024

Accepted: 30.10.2024

Open access


Background. In the American colonies in the 17th–18th centuries, the idea of separation of powers began to be practically realized, designed, according to the colonists, to prevent abuse of power and ensure the rights of citizens. In the absence of strong central government from the British crown, the colonies developed their own systems of self-government. Within the colonies, representa-tive bodies, executive power and judicial power took shape. This system of self-government largely shaped the idea of separation of powers. John Locke's idea of separation of powers significantly influenced the formation of political ideas in the colonies. The main goal of the study is to trace the formation of the practice of separation of powers in American colonial society and the state. Materials and methods. To reveal the scientific plot, historical and legal materials are used, as well as a comparison method that allows us to trace the practice of separation of powers in the American colonies. Results. An original periodization of the history of the English North American colonies is presented. The organization of power in royal, privately owned and corporate colonies is considered. The impulses for the emergence of administrative bodies and the politicization of colonial society, which influenced the process of separation of powers, are analyzed. Conclusion. In the American colonies in the 17th–18th centuries, the practice of separation of powers emerged – and not in a “bookish”, imitative way, but in the most natural way. This practice was formed only to a certain extent under the influence of the English political tradition, and to a greater extent due to the experience of self-government of the colonies. The formation of the practice of separation of powers in the colonies occurred in parallel with the politicization of society and worked for their future independence. Although the practical implementation of the principles of separation of powers in the colonies was accompanied by problems, resistance from governors and the mother country, and difficulties, it laid the foundations for the creation of a developed democratic system in the United States of America..


separation of powers, North American colonies, politicization of society, independence of the American colonies, theories of separation of powers


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